Architecture project, 2019
Urban agriculture is an approach for mix use in urban environment. this concept is the future of dense cities, especialy in scarce land area countries, such as Israel.
Mixing agriculture in our cities has a lot of benefits, from generally improving quality of life and our health; to food immunity
and community enhancement.
To examine the possible usage of agriculture in our future cities, I have chosen "Tel Amal" neighborhood, in
Haifa, Israel.
Following urban principles, Topo.Farm's main issue, is developing a residential typology that knows to react to agriculture as a part of a green agricultured promenade.
As well, as using number of strategies such as: mixing agriculture in
XS, S, M, L scales; planning modular residential units for a more flexible architecture, whom can keep
on "growing" and more.
Page is under construction,
But even in working sites, you might find some hidden gems
Architecture project, 2019
Design phase: